

A passion for wood

A passion for wood and forests sparked in 1980, resulting in an education as forest- and landscape engineer in 1993 and a career in the timber trade. These were the foundations for establishing Vica Wood in 2007.

Skærmbillede 2014-04-12 kl. 20.22.02

Carsten Øbel, partner Vica Wood Flooring

Vica Wood business

Since 2007 we have used our experience to provide wood flooring of the best quality for projects in Scandinavia and Europe. As a result of a successful collaboration with our customers we have sold close to 1.0 million square meter hardwood floor.

Our professional and passionate approach to working with wood and forestry is the basis for providing wood and flooring of the best quality to our customers.


A positive growth

In 2013, Vica Wood was nominated to receive the ‘Børsen Gazelle’.






Sustainable materials

Wood is, for us, the best material we humans can surround ourselves with. It grows and provides us with shelter, protection and warmth. Wood is a sustainable material in our surroundings because it is a renewable resource and one of natures’ greatest building blocks for the provision of life and diversity.

What is more beautiful and more life-affirming than a forest in winter, covered in a thick layer of snow – or a forest blooming in spring – or a forest in its colorful autumn foliage. And the best part is; it repeats the cycle each year.


Creating awareness of nature´s perfection

Nature has a solution to every problem through natural circulation and a perfect ecosystem. We wish to convey as much of nature’s perfection by creating wooden floors that are based on nature’s own principles. We want natural hardwood floors with a long lifespan, but it should also be able to be included in circulation and recycling, wooden floors that reflect each tree’s unique shape, color and texture.




Our products


Vica Wood Flooring All rights reserved.